Goa Pixels

Goa Pixels


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I book photoshoot with goa pixels?

We are based in goa and we have a team who knows goa very well. We have a team of more than 100 artists who are well versed with photography, videography, editing etc.

2. How much should I pay to book the shoot?

You have to make an advance payment of 50% of the shoot cost in order to book the shoot and the remaining 50% you can pay after the shoot is done.

3. When will I receive the edited data?

Soon after the shoot is done and the pending payment is done, the edited photos will be delivered in 7 days and the edited video will be delivered within 15-20 days.

4. Are the photoshoot charges for number of hours or the number of edited photos?

So the photoshoot charges are for number of hours, it is actually for the duration for which a photographer / videographer is assigned to you.

5. How many outfits or changes can we do during the shoot?

The number of outfit changes depends upon the duration of the shoot. If it’s a 1 hour shoot the shoot will be done in one outfit only and if its 2 hour  the shoot can be done on two outfits.

6. What if I need both a guide who can show me around goa as well as capture my memories ?

Yes you can opt for the goa explore packages where you can explore either north goa or south goa in a day and have all your

Wonderful moments captured by us.

7. Do we have to pay for the shoot locations as well?

No you don’t have to pay for the locations.

8. What kind of equipment are used in the shoot?

Since technology is something which keeps on updating faster with time our artists also keep updating their gears to the latest ones available in the market.

9. How will I receive my data?

The data will be sent on google drive link for both photos and videos in soft copy.

10. Will I get any hard cover album ?

Yes we can arrange hard cover album at additional costs depending upon how many pages print you want.

11. Are you available everywhere in goa?

Yes  we are available anywhere in goa for the shoots.

12. Are you available for wedding photography?

Yes we are available